Stream Deck Plugin

Official plugin to control from your Elgato Stream Deck

The freedom to build anything

Stream Deck for ships with a set of flexible keys and dials to create complex interactions

Execute Actions
Run your actions at the press of a button or turn of a dial! Add your own custom arguments to make your actions dynamic.
Modify your Stream Deck
Change the appearance of your Stream Deck keys by taking control from
Stream Deck + Dial Support
Support for the latest Stream Deck hardware allows for a new level of control. Check out the Ad Control and Viewer Control dial examples!

Keys & Dials

Action Button

Execute actions on key press and/or release, with customizable arguments.

Action Switch

Execute actions on key press and/or release, with customizable arguments.

Status Indicator

Send realtime data from to your Stream Deck display, with customizable charts!

Action Dial

Execute up to 6 separate actions with a Stream Deck + dial control

Control Dial

Control a action with a Stream Deck + dial indicator


Explore the Possibilities

Dynamic Icon Example

Dynamically update your button appearance with custom icons!

Live Bitrate Status

Display your OBS bitrate in realtime!

Ad Control Dial

Take complete control of your Twitch ad-breaks with this dial example!

Viewer Control Dial

Configure a *Stream Deck +* dial to browse current viewers and dial-press to ban!